Library-Authored Web Content and the Need for Content Strategy
After a lengthy absence, I’m back to share (somewhat old) news about an article I co-authored with Heidi Burkhardt: Library-Authored Web Content and the Need for Content Strategy [freely available].
Somewhat old news, I say, because this was published in September 2019 in the open access journal Information Technology and Libraries.
In it, we trace a bit of the history of the adoption and use of content management systems (CMS) in academic libraries, and consider how content strategy can help us manage our increasingly prolific library-authored content. Then we finish big, providing an answer to the question, “What is the library website anyway?”, making some opinionated statements about how we ought – or ought not – to do things, and defining the properties of library-authored web content. We also rage against ‘the web committee’ on principle and toss in the word ethos.
Heidi and I sure enjoyed writing it, and I hope you will enjoy reading it as well.
Stay tuned, because we’re at it again and, we hope, will soon have an article for you sharing the results of a survey of academic library web professionals focused on current practices related to content strategy.